Community Partners

The Central Ohio Workforce Development Network (WDN) is a robust collective impact collaborative committed to enhancing the region's economic vitality through workforce innovation. Community partners play a pivotal role in this mission, and there are multiple ways to engage with the Central Ohio Workforce Development Network.

Central Ohio WDN Logo

For entities not directly involved in workforce development, collaboration is key. Workforce adjacent social service organizations can connect with us to establish referral methods that will assist with creating a warm hand-off to member organizations. There are also opportunities to engage with our membership to discuss how social service agencies can receive referrals from our network for workforce adjacent services that will improve employment and retention outcomes.

Community based organizations providing workforce development services are encouraged to consider joining the Central Ohio Workforce Development Network. By doing so, they become integral to a 'no-wrong-door' service delivery model, which ensures seamless access to services for the community. Membership also includes participation in collaborative data initiatives and a direct connection to economic development and industry partnerships.

To explore these opportunities and contribute to a thriving workforce ecosystem, interested parties are invited to reach out via email at

Contact Us

Scott Johnson

(614) 599-6051